A catastrophe I tell you…

30 Jun

Not that long ago, in a country not that far away lived a leader who successfuly took a country from the grips of colonialism into an age of democracy.

All was well, for many years, untill the people realised that there were fairy-dust coated promises not being kept. Realising that time might be running out, the leader started to systematically amend the rules of law, to suit his purposes. Our Bread-Basket-Of-Africa democracy were slowly but surely evolving into a monocracy, even further into a outocracy.

When the hungry people made their voices heard, they would never have thought that it can get worse. It could, they were left with a despotocracy. Intimidation and murder joined famine at the funeral. The despotic tyrant was once again inaugurated and the people are left with a kakistocracy. Catastrophe is approaching on the horizon, whilst the rest of the world is lambasting the fallen leader by waging a word-war.

They did not all live happily ever after.

Can a tyrannical, despotic kakistocrat be loaded in a jet-boat, to be taken back up the Vic falls? I think not!


12 Responses to “A catastrophe I tell you…”

  1. Emil Junie 30, 2008 at 8:18 vm #

    A big, Greek-African tragedy and diplomatic farce! If not loaded in a jet-boat, maybe he can be isolated, not acknowledged and blocked forever to travel until he disbands his government. But it is all too late – his generals are running the country. I believe there was a silent coup after the first elections because the old farts don’t want to let go of their illegaly-taken farms.

  2. Adrie Junie 30, 2008 at 8:27 vm #

    Dalk moet daar met die opregte bobbejane gepraat word. Die wat weet hulle hoort in die berge en klowe. Duidelik het hulle meer verstand as diegene wat Afrika regeer.

  3. Wipneus! Junie 30, 2008 at 9:13 vm #

    Ek hou hierdie storie groot-oog dop!!

  4. demoerin Junie 30, 2008 at 9:48 vm #

    Ek glo ook nie dit is by accident dat die eerste 3 letters van die woord kakistocracy “kak” is nie!

  5. BB Junie 30, 2008 at 9:55 vm #

    Nogal as ‘n ‘weghol’-oorwinning gisteraand op e news uitgesaai
    /me loop ‘n draai om (weer) te gaan kits 😦
    … en ingesweer vóór die finale totale votes getel is.
    My ma se tuinjong sê Saterdag vir haar dat Mugabe nog baaaaaie oud gaan word. Vra sy hoekom – seg hy: “want nie eers die dywel hy soek hom nie” :mrgreen:

  6. meermin Junie 30, 2008 at 10:50 vm #

    Lekker dag vir jou DMI!!

  7. Dellie Junie 30, 2008 at 11:09 vm #

    Ek het nie woorde nie. Ek kan nie glo dat dit actually gebeur het nie! 😯 My ergste vrees is wat as ons dieselfde paadjie loop? Gaan die wêreld ook net toekyk en niks doen nie?

  8. demoerin Junie 30, 2008 at 11:39 vm #

    BB se ma se tuinjong het dalk juis die ding daar beet! 😆

  9. Pikkelik Junie 30, 2008 at 12:49 nm #

    Dit is seker een van die grootste rampe wat ons arme ‘opgevoede’ wêreld nog ooit getref het. Selfs met Hilter het die groot moonthede raad gehad……. 😯

  10. Emil Junie 30, 2008 at 12:56 nm #

    Die sprokie eindig.

  11. Wipneus! Junie 30, 2008 at 12:58 nm #

    Ek wonder dieselfde wat Dellie wonder….. gaan dit nie dalk met ons ook kan gebeur nie. Almal ja en amen as Bob praat. Hy doen dinge soos hy wil, maak en breek, storm voort soos ‘n besetende wat nou net los gelaat is… Almal kyk net toe, sê hier en daar ietsie wat eindelik niksseggend is. Wanneer staan almal saam en vat die man kort. My Selina sê hy sal net gestop word met ‘n koeël in die kop?? Huh??? vra ek haar. Ja sê sy, daar is nie medisyne vir hom nie, hy is oud Madam, die kop hy werk nie meer nie… 😆

  12. demoerin Junie 30, 2008 at 1:21 nm #

    Dit is sad as ons bediendes en tuinjonge meer insig as die leiers begin openbaar! Nogal snaaks is dat dit juis is waaroor demokrasie gaan, om te luister na die mense op straat. Na my mening het die mense op straat al die 29 Maart gepraat, niemand wil egter luister nie.

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